

I am Diane Jones and have been a Suicide Loss Survivor from 10 years of age. I was born an empath and have always been able to feel and read others' energy. I have been in abusive relationships that have almost taken my life, which gives me a deep understanding of PTSD, Anxiety and Depression.

I am currently in management and attending college, completing my BA in Business Management, and recently purchased my first home here in Utah. I'm highly motivated. goal driven. I grew up hunting, camping, and being a part of many extra calicular academic activities as a child. I attended Waterford for 2 years, after my father passed, any stigma around suicide loss was removed for me by attending Waterford, and my experience was significant, and I received some of the best education while there.

Although my life has been filled with challenges since a young age, they have brought great lessons and knowledge with them. Learning to love yourself is essential in healing and moving forward in life and love. This is one of the things I continuously work on within myself and learn more about to help others along my way.

Navigating western medicine and the system has taught me the different methods and tools for PTSD and trauma survivors. I learned that each of us are individuals and no one method or pill fits all. We have a choice, options available to morph into what we need for our own life. I have found a few things that work for me and have catered them to my life to help me incorporate and heal my traumas which cause PTSD, Anxiety, etc.

Hard lessons are some of our biggest challenges, and understanding that we are not mentally ill, that we suffer a trauma, and no pill is going to fix that, will alleviate some of the difficulty and depression in dealing with the symptoms and behaviors. 

The many services out there today still do not address Suicide Loss or aggravated trauma aka root cause. Here we simply treat the symptoms (depression, drug use, alcohol abuse, dysmorphia, homelessness) with pills, hospitals, & shame. I want to try to change that ~ WE ARE MUCH MORE THAN OUR TRAUMA!

Trauma is at the root of addiction and homelessness, without recognizing that we will never come up with a solution to resolve the way we treat our children, what we expose them to, and the fate of their futures here, if we do not help the healing and addressing the embedded trauma they survived. I hope to help others see and know healing is possible, and each of us are deserving.